Municipal Association for Advanced Radiotherapy
The seven regions in Sweden with university hospitals are behind Skandionkliniken. Together they run the Municipal Association for Advanced Radiotherapy (KAS), which has two tasks:
KAS organizational chart
Board of Directors
Municipal Association for Advanced Radiotherapy is governed by an executive board consisting of politicians from all member regions. Members for the mandate period 2023-2026:
Chairman: Lena Micko (S)
Vice Chairman: Carl Johan Sonesson (M)
The management group
The management group of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities for Advanced Radiotherapy is responsible for the strategic and operational development of the organization.
National Proton Therapy Steering Group
The steering group provides decision support to the Executive Board and the management of Skandionkliniken. The group will also take responsibility for the overall national proton therapy process based on the concepts of shared responsibility, national co-ownership and distributed competence.
The National Proton Therapy Steering Group includes two members from each member region, the federal director of KAS, the head of operations for Skandionkliniken and the clinic’s medically responsible oncologist. The members are appointed by their respective principals for a period of three years.