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Skandionkliniken conducts research projects that evaluate the effects of proton beam therapy. The research aims, among other things, to improve treatment results and patients’ quality of life.


Research for more effective treatment and better quality of life

Research is essential for the development and introduction of new treatments and medicines. To increase the chances of curing and treating people affected by disease, we need to constantly learn more and gain new knowledge.

Today, research on proton radiation treatment is largely about investigating which patients benefit from receiving radiation treatment with protons instead of photons, which is the traditional radiation method. This involves, for example, comparing the results and side effects of the different types of radiation.

Research at Skandionkliniken

Clinical research is a scientific study that examines, among other things, the results of treatments, medicines or medical procedures. Patients participate in these studies. At Skandion Clinic, this means that we conduct research to improve and streamline proton beam therapy in various ways. We also want to find out more about which patients benefit from being treated with proton radiation compared to traditional radiation.

Technical/preclinical research is more focused on treatment technology. At the Skandion Clinic, this includes investigating how the equipment and methods used in radiation treatment can be used more efficiently.

If you are a patient and are interested in participating in a study, or would like more information, please contact your treating physician.

Read more: Patient participation in cancer studies

Clinical research projects

ARTSCAN IV: Evaluating re-irradiation in head and neck cancer

A nonrandomized multicenter observational study of all reirradiation in patients with head and neck cancer with special focus on patients receiving proton therapy.

Reirradiation of head and neck cancer where patients are planned with conventional radiotherapy and proton therapy and assigned to the treatment that is considered the best.

More information

ARTSCAN V: Comparing proton and photon radiation in tonsil cancer

Photon therapy versus proton therapy in early tonsil cancer.

Patients with early tonsil cancer are randomized to receive radiation therapy with either photons (usual treatment), which is given at their home hospital, or with protons, which is given in Uppsala. The aim is to see if there is a difference in the side effect profile.

More information

PROGLIO: Comparing proton and photon radiation in glioma, a type of brain tumor

A unique collaboration between Swedish and Norwegian researchers. Together they will find out whether radiation therapy with protons or photons is most suitable for patients with slow-growing gliomas, IDH-mutated diffuse gliomas.

More information
Article on the study

PRO-Hodgkin: Study of proton beam therapy in Hodgkin's lymphoma

Clinical investigation of PBS proton treatment in Hodgkin lymphoma patients

Study of proton treatment in Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Patients receiving photons are included as a control group.

More information
Article from October 2018
Article from Nov 2019
Article from Dec 2022

PRORECT: Comparing proton and photon radiation in rectal cancer

Comparison between protons and photons in preoperative radiotherapy of high-risk rectal cancer.

More information
Article: New study on radiotherapy for rectal cancer
Article: The first patients in the PRORECT study…

PROTHYM: Comparing proton and photon radiation in thymoma, cancer of the thymus gland

Proton radiotherapy of thymic malignancies: Prospective, non-randomized phase II study.

The purpose of the study is to compare that proton therapy is as effective as photon therapy but that the risk of late complications from nearby organs such as the lung and heart is less as the radiation dose is lower to these organs.

Further information
Article: Link coming soon

SWANCA: Compare proton and photon radiation for anal cancer

Comparison between protons and photons in anal cancer.

Article on the study

Technical/preclinical research projects


A network project with EU funding from 2018 to 2022, it aimed to integrate research resources and equipment in proton therapy so that European researchers have access to a common state-of-the-art platform.


Assessing the risk of adverse effects from medical radiation exposure in the treatment of patients with lymphoma or brain tumors.

The EU-funded SINFONIA project aims to develop new methods and tools to assess the risk of adverse effects of radiation therapy. The project examines the risk to patients, healthcare professionals, the public and the environment from the treatment of patients with suspected or confirmed lymphoma or brain tumors. The project examines radiation doses from radiotherapy and imaging.

An important work that the Skandion Clinic contributes to the SINFONIA project is to map the neutron doses during treatment with proton radiation. This is done using Monte Carlo simulations and measurements. When shallow brain and lymphoma tumors are to be treated with proton radiation, it may be necessary to use a so-called range shifter and the neutron production in this element is also of interest in the Skandion Clinic’s mapping.

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A project with funding from Vinnova and the EU 2021-2024. It aims to develop equipment that can localize how the radiation dose is deposited during treatment. Protons can thus become a more effective and safer treatment option for even more patients.

Photon counting CT technology to enhance proton therapy

A 2023-2026 project funded by the Swedish Cancer Society. It aims to use new imaging techniques (photon counting CT) to reduce physical uncertainty so that the radiation dose is delivered with greater precision to the patient.


A 2024-2027 project with EU funding. It aims to improve dose estimates for pregnant or potentially pregnant patients.

Other research projects

Development and evaluation of an educational digital game about radiotherapy for children with cancer

The completed game can facilitate the implementation of radiation therapy for children. The game can be used nationally as a preparation material and thus all children receive similar information regardless of where they live, and can contribute to increased knowledge, autonomy, reduce fear and anxiety. In the longer term, the number of anaesthetics could be reduced during radiotherapy.

Read the thesis
Read the article about the study

RADTOX: Record keeping in radiation therapy for children and adolescents

Registry study collecting data on all children undergoing radiotherapy.

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